With the hot air stylers category showing growth of +18% YOY, and with anticipated continued growth, VS Sassoon wanted this campaign to have a focus on supporting their wider selection of hot air stylers, as well as feature their new range additions for Mother’s Day and Christmas. 

  • Campaign Strategy & Positioning

    Development of campaign concepts, key messaging & copywriting to build on the existing brand claim "love your style". We also worked on Mother's Day and Christmas messaging to ensure the chosen campaign concept - Wear Your Confidence - had flexibility to extend to seasonal executions to drive sales targets.

    Videography & Photography
    With a creative direction chosen we recruited talent and completed a two-day video and photo shoot to capture enough content to deliver the briefed 14 different video edits.

    Rollout of all digital and print assets to support the media channel plan for the initial launch of the new range, as well as the tactical seasonal campaigns.

    Delivery of key campaign and product messaging for use across website, social and digital assets.

    Lead Messaging
    True beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself; so we say it’s time to let the world see you for the incredible woman you are and use your hair as the ultimate crown. The minute you believe in yourself the real magic begins and VS Sassoon’s groundbreaking new range of hair styling products will give you the tools you need to make your hair a superpower. Glow from the inside out knowing confidence is the sexiest thing you can wear; every day of the week. Love your style.

How we captured “confidence” was the key to the success of this campaign. It was all about finding the small moments of realisation and recognition; where that feeling of “yeah, you got this” happens and you truly own your self worth and spirit. You can never underestimate the power of a woman with great hair!


